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Vision and Values

School Mission Statement: 

Seeking to develop a better tomorrow for all learners, with profound and complex needs, through a holistic blend of quality first teaching experiences; celebrating pupils’ strengths along a highly personalised learning journey.

School Values: 


We deeply value a total communication approach to ensure all voices are heard. 


We celebrate being part of a diverse community; being mindful of everyone’s beliefs and values and the needs of our learners and their families. 


We continually strive for improvement and advancement for all. 


We push the boundaries of inclusive practice and pursue innovation and risk taking. 


We work in partnership for the good of the young people in our care; seeking out opportunities to share ideas and good practice. 


We celebrate and share success at every level; celebration is a reward to be enjoyed. 


We promote continuous improvement and quality of service through our professional approach; showing respect and integrity to all stakeholders. 


We interact with honesty and integrity with: pupils, staff, families, agencies and the wider community.  We are open to new ideas.