Home School Agreement
Working together to achieve success!
- Value my child’s education
- Ensure my child attends school properly equipped for the day.
- Encourage my child with home-work and other opportunities for continuing their learning at home.
- Attend review meetings and discussions about my child’s progress.
- Communicate with the school regarding anything that may affect my child’s education or medical needs.
- Always do my best.
- Move safely around school.
- Wear clothes appropriate for school.
- Help to look after people and things around me.
- Behave well.
- Provide a caring environment in which there is mutual respect for all.
- Value pupils as individuals and meet their needs accordingly.
- Provide a broad and balanced curriculum with emphasis on learning through experience.
- Communicate your child's progress through informal discussion, parent evenings and annual reviews.
- Celebrate pupil success.
- Encourage children to become as independent as possible physically, in their learning and their thinking.
- Be open and welcoming and offer opportunities for you to become involved in the daily life of the school.
- Always speak respectfully to pupils and their families.