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Blue Class

Topic:    Festivals


In literacy, our key text for this term is non-fiction, called festivals. We will be learning about festivals from around the world and creating a diary entry for each festival we celebrate! In phonics, we are continuing to develop our understanding of set 1 sound. 


In Maths, we will continue to work on our numerical fluency and confidence to 5, 10 and 20. We will also be learning measures in maths. We will be learning about different types of measures, including weight, length, capacity and time.

My world

In our My World topic we will be focusing on Geography and different countries around the world. This links to our festival's topic as we will be identifying the country each festival is celebrated in.


IN PSHE we will be learning about our own bodies and identifying and recognising our own body parts. We will learn about being more aware of our bodies and what to do if something is not right.


In PE, we will be focusing on movements and control of our own bodies. We will also be looking at control of equipment such as balls and parachutes. Active Fusion will continue to spend Tuesday afternoons with us, building on team work and building physical fitness. 

Life Skills

In life skills, we will be cooking every Tuesday. We will be looking at how to use utensils safely, follow recipes and ensure we practise good hygiene skills. We will be exploring different foods used in festivals from all around the world and have a go at making some delicious recipes!


In IT we will be using the IT Suite and exploring the different types of IT equipment within a school. We will be looking at how technology can be controlled by using switches, magic carpet, sensory pod, IPad and computers.

Blue Class Mission Statement 2023-24